Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Caused the Vietnam War - 1753 Words

What Caused the Vietnam War? The Vietnam War was caused by many factors that contributed to the warfare in Vietnam during the years of 1959 to 1975. Most factors were the beliefs held by people who wanted to change or to prevent Vietnam becoming an Independent Country. Many people suffered due to these beliefs and policies and that the Vietnam War is now considered as one of the most distressing moments in the 20th Century. So why did the US become involved in the Vietnam War? What was Ho Chi Minh thinking when he was fighting for Nationalism? Who was Diem? And why was the Vietnam War have such a devesting impact on both the US and Vietnam. The civil war between the French and Viet Minh was a major cause of the war. It is said that the†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, one of the major ideologies of the Vietnam War was what type of government should rule Vietnam and neighbouring countries. Ho, although he believed in Nationalism, became a Communist because their was no other way to ensure Vietnams future of becoming an Independent country. Communism believed in the unity within the country, the equality of financial status and in the home, and to have a ‘utopian society where everybody accepted each other on the same level and therefore, having only one party to have ruling power over the country with no disagreements. However, to become a Communist Government, there needs to be a party willing to use force against its own people to gain authority. Ho, was one such person to lead the Viet Minh against the Viet Cong, which contained an army of the South Vietnamese soldiers and allied forces. Communism beli eves that a Democracy, such as Americas, was full of greed and that it was a society that did not determine equality very well in both economical values and also within the community. However, the Viet Cong, or known as Diems and USs army, believed the opposite in which Communism was a vile type of government, and that their Democracy was the ‘superior type of government. America especially wanted to create social cohesion by introducing their type of Democracy to South-East Asia before the Domino Theory came into effect. Consequently, different ideologies on what type of governmentShow MoreRelated How Can They Succeed?1034 Words   |  5 Pagesart critic, biographer, and Christian apologist, like that â€Å"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.† In the Vietnam War, many official soldiers and civilians took part in the combat. It started from December 1956 to 1975, nearly 20 years, in Vietnam. The V ietnam War was a war between North Vietnam and government of South Vietnam that United States participated and supported. 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